Saturday, July 7, 2012

Blogging Anxiety!

Sorry to my followers and any visitors!  I do not quite know how I managed to lose my template and followers list, but I did.  After spending all day trying to fix it (epic FAIL), I started over with my own basic layout.  So, if you do not show up on the followers list, I would very much appreciate it if you could try to follow me again!  Thanks so much!


  1. I hate it when things like that happen! This layout is cute!

  2. Thanks! For some reason my header is HUGE and it won't let me tweak the size. I'm going to breathe deeply and let it go (for now). LOL! I am a total OCD formatting freak! :)

  3. Okay, super-silly question here: how do I follow you?


  4. Hi Alisha,
    I'm having trouble with my follower gadget--it doesn't want to show up. I'm still working on figuring it out.
    Thanks for trying! I'll let you know if I get it fixed.

  5. Hi, Corinna!

    I successfully "followed" you! Thanks for the help!


Thanks for visiting! If you are a new follower, please leave a link to your site so I can visit you, too! :)

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